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October Message from the President

Good afternoon,  

I want to take a moment to reflect on the tremendous success of our recent event, the Rise and Shine Breakfast! It was a pleasure to see so many familiar faces and reconnect with our valued members. The morning was filled with insightful discussions, camaraderie, and fun as we gathered on the ice of the Thunderbirds arena. It was a reminder of how our Chamber fosters connections, sparks innovation, and drives prosperity in Springfield!  

Our next Rise and Shine Breakfast is fast approaching, and seats are filling up quickly. Join us on Oct. 19 as we celebrate local hospitals at the MassMutual Center. Our local healthcare institutions have played an invaluable role in our community’s strength and resilience, especially during the pandemic, and we are thrilled to honor and recognize their unwavering commitment and dedication. Esteemed speakers will shed light on the significant economic contributions of our region’s hospitals and their ongoing dedication to ensuring safety. 

Looking ahead, we are also gearing up to celebrate our Super 60 winners on Nov. 9 at our Super 60 Luncheon! Their achievements are a testament to the strength and innovation of our business community, and I encourage you all to register for this event as soon as possible.  

Thank you again for your support and continued involvement. Together, we have created a dynamic and supportive business environment, and I am thrilled to keep up the momentum as we continue to connect, grow, and succeed. I invite you to explore our full slate of upcoming events on our website and consider our various sponsorship opportunities to make the most of your Springfield Regional Chamber membership this year!  


Diana Szynal 

President, Springfield Regional Chamber